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The information on this site is provided solely for general illustration. The Fleurs François Klopp cannot be held responsible in case of inaccurate, incomplete or outdated information as well as in case of falsification of any data. Price and availability information are subject to change without notice.


Neither Fleurs François Klopp nor any of its directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site.

This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. Please be aware that any information you submit (online forms, e-mail, etc.) can be considered as insecure and could be observed by a third party while in transmission.

If you are submitting confidential data or other information you would like to keep private, it would be safer for you to use SSL (secure encryption), fax forms, Postal mail or to contact us via phone.


Be aware that Images may slightly differ from the actual product.


All trademarks referred to on this web site are the properties of their respective owners. Except where otherwise noted, all site contents, Web site design, text, graphics, and all software are © by Fleurs François Klopp.

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